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Trenchless Sewer Line Repair & Replacement

When you’re stressed about having to get your sewage pipes fixed, the last thing you want to see is your yard torn apart just to fix it. With trenchless sewer line repair and pipe bursting, you won’t have to worry about having your yard torn apart. The innovative solutions here at Trenchless Solutions make repairing your pipes easy and stress-free.

Sewer Line Repair

It’s probably not something you think about every day but when you realize you need a sewer repair, it’ll be hard to get it off your mind. Sewer repairs can be costly, smelly, and time-consuming, so it’s in your best interest to hire a professional to handle the job for you. At Trenchless Solutions, we use a method known as pipelining to repair sewers. Essentially, pipelining uses a pipe within a pipe to fix leaks, help expand pipes to allow for more water flow and prevent blockages in a newer, smoother pipe.

There are many reasons why you may need a sewer repair. Over time, your sewer pipes can become corroded, cracked, or bellied. Your pipes may also become clogged or damaged due to tree roots that have grown through and around it. Blockage can also happen due to grease or other foreign objects infiltrating your pipes.

When your sewer lines become corroded, they can deteriorate and collapse, restricting your pipes’ flow. Your pipes can break or crack due to buildup, freezing temperatures, and even shifting soil. Another common issue is leaking joints, which can cause flooding and water buildup around your home.

During typical sewer repair, your yard is excavated with a backhoe so the pipes can be accessed. This can be costly, can have damaging effects on your home, and can take up a lot of time. Trenchless sewer repair can avoid this inconvenience.

Trenchless Sewer Line Replacement: What is Pipe Bursting?

From the name, pipe bursting may sound like a negative thing to happen to your pipes. Our pipe bursting methods, however, are far from that. During pipe bursting, we replace your sewer or drain line with a pipe of the same diameter that destroys the original as the new one is installed. Trenchless pipe bursting is also more cost effective and less time consuming than many other kinds of pipe repairs. There is also not a need for excavation. The holes required to complete the job are usually no bigger than five feet by five feet, and the bursting head is attached to the new sewer line and hydraulic cylinders pull the head through the existing sewer line.

To do this, we use a series of tools, including a pulling device and a hydraulic power pack to successfully get the new pipe into the old one. Pipe bursting can also be used to expand the size of a pipe so it has a better filling capacity.

Trenchless Solutions is Here to Help

If you’re in the El Paso area and need help with trenchless sewer line replacement, sewer line repair, and more, call Trenchless Solutions. Our methods are fast, cost-effective, and do as little damage to your property as possible. Having issues with your sewage pipes can be stressful, but with us, you don’t have to worry! Call us today for more information.

Trenchless Sewer Line Replacement