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The Innovative Approach of Video Inspection for Your Pipes

a plumber giving a thumbs up after a plumbing job

Cameras are part of our everyday lives. Whether it’s taking the daily snapshot of the growing kids, the dog doing funny tricks, or getting a recording of the family reunion, people of all ages use their cameras incessantly. They provide a snapshot of our lives, some that we wish to remember and others not so much. And yet, that’s not the only function that sophisticated cameras have today. In fact, many industries utilize the advancements of video production in things like medicine, military, and manufacturing. 

How does the plumbing industry use cameras? Here we detail the amazing world of video inspection for pipes and sewer lines and how it has saved homeowners, municipalities, and commercial property owners hundreds of dollars while providing necessary answers. 

So how does it work. Let’s do a close inspection!

5 Advantages of Plumbing Video Inspection 

If you’re having pipe or sewer line problems, there is nothing more frustrating than being unsure of where exactly the problem is coming from. This is especially frustrating when property owners must consider ripping into things in order to find out. So why can calling a video inspection plumbing company out help? 

Easy to Spot Damage

Without a clear source of the problem, solutions are harder to come by. In fact, when plumbers are unable to see the root cause of the problem, there is a lot of guesswork involved, some of which requires opening your wallet in a big way. And you want to avoid doing that unnecessarily. So, video inspections make the process of pipe inspection straightforward, easy, and efficient. The human eye, after all, can only see so far up the pipe, and no human vision has the capacity to wrap around the corner of a pipe. With video inspections, there is no ‘maybes,’ no ‘possibly,’ no, ‘well we can try this and see what happens.’ There is clear evidence shown by what is often affectionately called the plumbers ‘third eye.’

Get Accurate Information in Real-Time

So we know the camera makes looking into your infrastructure much easier, but it also collects necessary information that helps the plumber make the right informed decision about how to proceed. Technicians above the ground will view the video on a monitor, which allows for the tech to carefully view the pipe and conduits. This makes spotting issues and potential issues easier while providing a record to the homeowner. 

Don’t Dig In if You Don’t Have To

Some plumbing issues will simply require you to tear down walls or do some digging around your property or backyard. This is expensive work and should not be done unless it’s absolutely necessary. It is also possible that if there is a small blockage in your pipes, the camera itself might help to push them off. At the very least, however, the camera will provide clear answers that prevent homeowners and property owners from digging into the ground unnecessarily. 


And finally, camera inspections for your pipes work as a great way to prevent future problems by spotting issues early. 

What Types of Cameras are We Talking Here?

It’s not your typical smartphone camera. So avoid sticking your iPhone on a selfie stick and sticking it up your pipe! An industrial-use camera is adapted to work in harsh conditions. They are designed to be reliable, accurate, and often geared towards very specific functions. These cameras are built reliable because they have sturdier housing, so their outer components are built out of tougher and more rugged material. They can also operate under lower or higher temperatures than regular cameras. 

The cameras used for sewer line inspections are often built for these types of specific purposes. So they work with special software and are specifically designed. 

Having Pipe or Sewer Line Problems? Don’t Dig Just Yet, Call a Plumber for Video Inspection

It used to be that digging in was the only way to verify and fix pipe issues. Today, technology allows us to visually inspect pipes in hard-to-reach places and get information in real-time. We offer solutions, it’s in the name! 

Want to learn more? Call EP Trenchless Solutions.