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5 Things You Should Never, Ever Flush Down Your Toilet

toilet in bathroom

There are many common misconceptions about the capabilities of our toilets. For one, many people believe that you can just flush whatever you want since it “disappears anyways.” But that couldn’t be further from the truth. At El Paso Trenchless Solutions, we’re dedicated to helping you take care of and maintain your plumbing system, so you don’t have to stress. In order to take care of your toilet and pipes, don’t ever flush these items down your toilet. Read on to find out more!

#1: Wipes

While it may seem like wipes are flushable because they’re similar to toilet paper, it couldn’t be further from the truth. Wipes don’t break apart like toilet paper does, so when you flush them down the toilet—especially in a home that has an older plumbing system—they can lead to bad clogs and leaks rather quickly. Your best bet? Discard of them in the trash can, not down your toilet.

#2: Cat Litter

Just because a litter box is your cat’s version of a toilet doesn’t mean it should ever be flushed down the toilet. Cat litter is designed to clump when your cat uses it, so what do you think it’ll do when you flush it? You got it. It’ll clump. Leading to potentially large and dangerous clogs. Never flush, always trash.

#3: Dental Floss

Dental floss seems innocent enough right? Wrong. Think again. Dental floss is one of the worst things you could flush down your toilet. Often times, it gets stuck in your pipes and then serves as a conduit for toilet paper and other things to gather on it, quickly forming clogs. Just throw it away instead.

#4: Coffee Grounds

Many people think it’s okay to flush coffee grounds or to put them down the drain. But much like cat litter, it can have a bit of a clumping effect. Just toss it!

#5: Oils

Just because it’s a liquid doesn’t mean it should be flushed or dumped down your sink drains. Oils can erode your pipes and cause clogs. Properly dispose of oils elsewhere.

Contact El Paso Trenchless Solutions Today!

By not flushing these five items down the toilet, you can protect it from being severely damaged or clogged. However, even when we take care of our plumbing system, we may still experience issues from time to time. If you’re in need of reliable toilet repair assistance, El Paso Trenchless Solutions can help. Give us a call today to learn more about our various plumbing solutions.