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The Different Types of Equipment Used in Trenchless Sewer Repair

One of the main factors that make a trenchless sewer repair job successful is the equipment and tools used throughout the process. Many contractors have decided to switch to trenchless sewer repair for this very reason. As the method became more and more favorable, the equipment was bound to change with the process as well. Replacing traditional methods, contractors such as El Paso Trenchless Solutions can make the process efficient and cost-friendly. Where heavy machinery was mostly used is now where trenchless sewer materials have revolutionized the fate of plumbing and sewage lines. We take a look at the most common pieces of equipment used during these repairs. 

Guide Pulleys 

Guides pulleys say it all in the name: they guide the cables in order to install the new pipe with accuracy. These guide pulleys can be as glad as a backhoe or as small as household shovels. In certain instances, jackhammers may be necessary in order to reach pipes that are covered by concrete. Guide pulleys don’t require complicated engineering. They are made with simple techniques for ease of use. 

Lining Resin

Lining resin is the material responsible for helping pipes to harden. Additionally, it supports the process of curating trenchless pipe lining and manhole rehabilitation. With that being said, resin is considered, overall, a highly resistant material. It is used in many applications of construction. It can also come in many different forms, depending on how it will be used. It is important to consider hardening speed and life when it comes to choosing resin. 

Inversion Machine

Lining resin is nothing without the help of an inversion machine. In order for the resin to successfully take effect, it will need to be pulled into, or in this case, inverted into the old pipe with the help of an inversion machine. An inversion machine utilizes air or water pressure (in some instances, both) to install the pipe liner inside accordingly. These machines come in many sizes depending on the type of the pipe. 

Lateral Cutters

Now that you’ve relined a pipe, there’s no stopping there. After relining, a pipe still needs to be laterally reinstated and restored in order to properly and successfully perform. Latter cutters and similar equipment are used to reestablish lost lateral connections by manually operated precision drills. When it comes to lateral cutters, our professionals make sure to use trusted professional equipment. We always check for the highest quality possible. 

Collapsed Liner Removal 

This specialty tool is designed to remove collapsed liner in pipes with the help of two front brushes for stabilization. This tool also comes with a flat drill that can come in custom measurements for the pipe. Ultimately, this helps to remove collapsed liner fast and with accuracy with a high pressure, low-volume jet designed for premium water jet cutting. 


Oftentimes, collapsed liner removal tools will come with a camera but for when they may not, pushcams can help. This tool allows our contractors to take pictures and videos from any angle. This same technology also offers a close-up look at the problem area with the sewer line. All the contractors have to do is run the Pushcam down the pipeline. With this exclusive look at the problem, proper repairs can be made appropriately! 


Believe it or not, fiberglass can play a helpful role in trenchless sewer repair. Syntho-Glass is a fiberglass pre-impregnated composite that is triggered to perform by infused saltwater or freshwater. It can repair any kind of pipe within minutes of application. It is made to be applied to the internal and external makeup of pipes for purposes of preventing corrosion. It is the perfect material to apply after using lining resin.  

Pipe Cleaning Equipment

Oftentimes, pipes are going to need a good cleaning. Whether you start or end with a cleaning, pipe cleaning equipment is absolutely necessary for every repair job. Different kinds of jetting nozzles and blockage cutters are some of the go-to forms of pipe cleaning equipment. There is no specific or preferred machine, all pipe cleaning materials are bound to work just the same. 

Get Immediate Repairs with the Professionals at EP Trenchless 

It’s safe to say that trenchless repairs rely on trenchless technology. The team at EP Trenchless is a reputable group, being able to meet the needs of businesses and customers of all kinds. There is no team that is more proud or willing to take on these messy jobs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.