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What is Trenchless Sewer Line Repair?


Picture this: you’ve just gotten fresh landscaping done on your front yard. Beautiful flowers now line the hedges. Your rose bushes have never looked better. Your lawn is a beautiful shade of green, razored down evenly and softly. A new path leads you from the sidewalk to your porch and another from your driveway to your front door. Rock formations dance through the plants and grass. A brick wall, dividing your lawn from your porch, is adorned with beautiful potted flowers. Everything is right with the world.

And then you learn you’re in need of swift sewer line repair. Your worst nightmare has come true. The beautiful landscaping will be undone, your yard a large dirt pit of despair. Everything will be ruined. Your home will be the eyesore of the block.

Or will it?

Well, when you go with a company that performs trenchless sewer line repair, like El Paso Trenchless Solutions, it won’t be. Here’s why.

What is Trenchless Sewer Line Repair

Trenchless sewer line repair is a method of sewer line repair that can have your sewer line back to tip-top shape without the need of digging up your yard. While other traditional methods require your yard to be a large dirt pit of despair, trenchless sewer line repair does not.

How Does Trenchless Sewer Line Repair Work?

Trenchless sewer line repair works by allowing a professional to repair your sewer line without having to dig up your yard to access your sewer. We utilize video technology to get accurate imaging and video recordings of the condition of your sewer line. From there, we access the sewer line via an already-made hole, such as a manhole, and continue to use video technology to guide the repairs.

How We Repair the Sewer Line

We use what’s called pipelining to repair sewer lines. Essentially, we insert the pipelining into your sewer pipes through the manhole and with the guidance of video technology. The pipelining will line the pipes, stopping leaks and allowing for a smoother transition of the things that flow through your pipes. They can expand your pipes slightly, allowing for more water to pass through and reducing the number of clogs and buildups you may experience.

Why Choose Us?

The last thing you want is for the integrity of your yard to be compromised, even if it’s been a while since you’ve done some landscaping. Trenchless sewer line repair allows us to complete this huge job without destroying your yard. Call us today to learn more!