Four Myths About Your Plumbing System You Should Know
Our plumbing systems are intricate yet delicate little creatures that need to be properly taken care of. When we don’t take care of them, we’re in for a world of hurt. From not being able to flush to having to take cold showers, there are a myriad of issues our plumbing systems can face. While it’s easy to blame your “dumb, old pipes” or the weather or some other random thing, many times, when people are facing plumbing issues, it’s because of issues they inadvertently cause themselves.
At El Paso Trenchless Solutions, we’re dedicated to helping people take care of their plumbing so they can experience fewer issues in the future. Part of the way we hope to do this is through education, including informing our customers about certain myths surrounding your plumbing.
Here are four myths you should know!
#1: Animals Can’t Come Up Drains
Yes, it has happened before: animals like snakes and rats have been known to come up drains. However, this doesn’t mean you should send rat traps or pesticides down your toilets or drains. Items like these can damage your pipes, causing significant issues in the future. In reality, animals very rarely come up with drains. You’re better off leaving them alone than trying to prevent a problem that probably won’t happen.
#2: Ice Can Help Your Garbage Disposal
Many people believe it’s a good idea to put ice down your drain to sharpen the blades on your garbage disposal. This is not true. Ice can actually chip the blades. If you put ice in the sink, just let it melt or go down the drain naturally without turning on your garbage disposal unnecessarily.
#3: Pouring Boiling Water Down Your Drain Helps Clean It
Another common belief: pouring boiling water down your drain can help eliminate grease in your drains. This isn’t true. Grease should be properly removed by a professional to prevent issues from occurring.
#4: Your Plumbing System Maintains Itself
This couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s a good idea to have a professional plumber come out to maintain your system in order to take care of clogs, damages, and other issues you may be experiencing.
Call El Paso Trenchless Solutions Today!
At El Paso Trenchless Solutions, we offer thorough services as a plumber, so your drains, toilet, sinks, and showers stay intact through innovative and technologically advanced methodologies. If you’re experiencing issues or need maintenance, we’re the place to call. Contact us today to learn more about the various services we offer!