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The Art of Video Inspections

man going into sewer

When it comes to plumbing issues, specifically those that affect your pipes underground, the last thing you want is for us to have to dig up your yard to access your pipes and assess the issue, especially if we find that the problem could have easily been fixed without the need to dig up your yard. Luckily, with us, you don’t have to worry about something like this happening.

At El Paso Trenchless Solutions, we utilize the latest in technology to assess damages to your underground pipes, including video technology. Video inspections allow us to view your pipes without having to dig them up. Because of this, we can get to the bottom of the issue much more quickly and efficiently and with absolutely no damage made to your home or yards. This is how.

How are Video Inspections Performed?

We perform video inspections using the latest and greatest in video technology. These cameras pick up high-quality footage of your pipes that allow us to assess them for damages, clogs, and other issues that may be preventing them from working properly. Once the damage is assessed, we may also use them for trenchless sewer line repair.

The cameras are inserted into the pipes using tools that allow us to insert and retract the camera at will. This way, we can send them deep into your sewer lines without having to dig holes or open up your pipes. The camera then picks up the footage which we use to analyze your pipes. All in all, video inspections are a great way to assess and repair pipes because they minimize damages done to your yard and allow us to gather the information we need as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Why Go Trenchless?

The art of video inspections allows us to go trenchless in all pipe repairs. What this means is we can assess and repair your underground pipes from an already made manhole. Using video technology eliminates the need to access your pipes by digging up a hole in your front or backyard. Trenchless methods are the best way to repair pipes. The last thing you want to deal with is plumbing issues and having to tear apart and then fix up your yard just to repair your plumbing issues. Trenchless plumbing repairs allow us to repair and replace your pipes without the hassle of fixing up your yard.

Call El Paso Trenchless Solutions Today!

At El Paso Trenchless Solutions, we invest in and utilize the latest in video technology in order to perform trenchless sewer line repairs and replacements. If you’re having issues with your pipes but don’t want to worry about the hassle of tearing up your yard in order to have them repaired, give us call today. We’re happy to help.